Digital advertising trends in 2020: What do the experts predict?


As we step into a new decade, digital marketing is becoming more innovative. It will encourage digital experts to explore new boundaries. With the increasing popularity of snackable video content and increased transparency by brands to captivate the transitory attention of Generation Z, this year may see a dramatic shift in digital advertising trends and consumer behavior.  

Here are some online advertising trends predicted by the experts that will help you create a marketing strategy in-line with the demand in 2020. Happy reading!

Micro-Influencers Replacing Mega-Influencers 

Micro-influencers are gaining more fame than ever for obvious reasons. They are popular enough to engage with their followers as well as can dedicate more time as they have comparatively fewer followers. 

Moreover, micro-influencers represent specific niches, and thus it is easier for you to specialize in those niches with them. Despite being almost seven times more cost-effective as compared to macro-influencers, they provide with a whopping 60% higher engagement.

An Upward Growth in Artificial Intelligence (AI)

An increasing number of companies are investing in AI tools such as automated bidding strategies and think smart campaigns. It is believed that in 2020, automation and machine learning will continue to grow at a rapid speed. 

With AI performing complex tasks and producing analytics better and faster, Google can provide highly concentrated audiences, delivering ads to consumers, looking out for specific solutions or services in real-time. Experts believe that AI, by identifying emotions will influence the majority of the advertisements. 

Gen Z Targeted Advertising

Till now, everyone was eyeing one specific demographic, which is millennials. You may have been advertising and creating content suiting their sensibilities and needs. But in 2020, you may expect to see a new consumer breed in limelight, which is Gen Z.

Gen Z consumers are those in the age group of 7 and 24 years, who are very meticulous in selecting brands to fulfill their needs. This means you will target the latter group, who will be soon making adult decisions.

As this generation consumes most of their content on tablet or mobile, plan to focus on mobile usability while promoting your services. Use social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and even Tik Tok to convey your message.

Increased Use of IAB Gold Standard

In 2020, more and more companies will adopt IAB Gold Standard. This standard is created to create better standards and clean up the digital marketing sector. You can sign up for IAB Gold Standard to avoid nuisance advertising templates, such as auto-play videos and pop-ups. This helps in improving consumer experience and encourages them to visit again.

The future of online advertising will be exciting. While mapping out the digital marketing strategy this year, try to consider these trends. This will help you ensure that your plan applies to your potential customers. Alternatively, take the help of professionals to boost your brand or services through digital advertising.

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