Checklist For Small Business Website Redesign

Why Redesign Your Website?

Everybody wants their business to stand out from the herd and be more visible and viable. The first thing that needs to be done in order to achieve that is regular maintenance of the website. It should always be kept up-to-date from the inside out.

Your website is the face of your business. It represents your business 24×7 to your clients, potential customer base, and stakeholders. Design trends change with the drop of a hat and it is very important to update the site frequently.

Search Engines roll out new algorithms every now and then, and it could become quite an arduous task to keep up if you fail to maintain your business’ website using the latest trends in design and web development. It takes some effort to stay relevant and push your case forward and must be paid heed to.

A poorly designed and maintained website is going to affect your business in a bad way. Sales, traffic, conversions, and other metrics might take a substantial drop.

Regardless of the size of your business, it is crucial to take a calculated and strategic approach towards website redesign.

Checklist for your small business

1. Website Domain

Your domain name plays a pivotal role in your business. The domain name is what people will be using to locate your online presence. The domain name should ideally be your business name but there might be instances when it is taken. In such a scenario, your domain name can be tweaked a little by the addition of the service sector or by devising hyphens.

2. Website Hosting

Website hosting is fairly inexpensive and many website builders also offer free hosting services. It must be noted, however, that opting for free website hosting may offer a domain name that looks less professional. It is advisable to consider the amount of traffic your business may receive. Website traffic affects the site performance a big-time and you may want to opt for a dedicated server if heavy traffic is being expected.

3. Logo Design

The logo of your company forms the basis of your brand. The logo is how your business is going to be perceived and identified. It is highly recommended to get a logo done for your business and your website.

4. UI/UX

User experience is key in this day and age. Your site should be compatible with mobile as well as tablets and pc. The website should offer a simple navigation system enabling users to quickly locate what they are looking for.

5. Physical Store Details

A prospective customer or somebody who visits your business website may want to get in touch with you. It could be to ask a question, clarify a doubt, request a quote, or get the physical address of the store. It is thus imperative to have a dedicated contact details page comprising full details of the business including the address (preferably with a store locator map), phone number, email. These details should also appear on the footer of every page.

6. Social Media Handle Integration

In this day and age, social media plays an integral part in every business. It is a key tool that allows you to interact with your audience in a more interactive and engaging way. Your business’ social media handles should be integrated into your website.

7. Blogs and Newsletter

Blogs and newsletters play a key role in driving traffic to a website. Regardless of the business sector, you must consider posting regular blogs and send out weekly newsletters. Not only does it help in imparting knowledge but it also creates brand awareness among your customer base. They also help make your website content richer and more SEO-friendly.

This website redesign checklist will certainly pay dividends if you pay close attention to each variable. Also, it is advised to track your website’s performance on a regular basis. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a great way to ensure that things don’t slip at any point.

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